Embarking on an educational journey that spans continents, I was born in Ecuador and arrived in the United States at the age of 15. My passion for innovative education finds its roots in a lifelong quest for knowledge. Fueled by a love for learning, I observed a gap in the education system's ability to employ creative and innovative teaching methods. This realization led me to pursue a career as a bilingual ENL teacher, graduating from City College and commencing my professional journey at P.S. 25 in the Bronx – the first bilingual school in New York City. With 32 years of teaching experience, I am committed to captivating and challenging students through tactile, project-based learning.
My legacy at P.S. 25 is marked by countless innovative projects, reflecting a dedication to cultivating a dynamic learning environment aligned with the curriculum. The foundation of my educational legacy was laid at P.S. 25 and has extended to include the Women's Academy of Excellence in the Bronx. I am determined to propagate my philosophy of education to develop language throughout the content areas, spreading it across our diverse New York City.